Schezwan Dhokla Recipe by Abha Khatri

Schezwan Dhokla Recipe by Abha Khatri

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Watch out for this video to find out how to make a new version of Dhokla with Chinese touch - Schezwan Dhokla. Dhokla is one of the most popular Gujarati dishes and now a days people also like to have Chinese food. So this is a combination of Gujarati and Chinese food. You must try this recipe and I can say you like it. If you like my recipe, please like it, share with friends and family and PLEASE don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my channel.


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schezwan dhokla recipedhokla recipegujarati chines recipeschezwan sandwich dhoklarecipe in hindischezwan dhokla by abha khatriabha's kitchenschezwan dhokla